Latest NEWS

abyhnho special project news

18 October 2023

Right now we are working hard on a cover of a 1970's song by a rather famous band of the era. Keeping it a bit secret for the moment, but the aim is to release it with the objective of raising some funds to support the Ukrainian people in their recovery once this awful war with Russia is over. In the mean time, hoping the war is over well before the song is actually released! Please give generously when the time comes and follow our Facebook page for further updates.

Welcome to abyhnho news

If this is your first visit to our site, welcome. We are Really just in the process of getting things up and running and plan to provide regular updates about our music, upcoming gigs, online activities and whatever else we are getting up to. You can also get in touch via this site or via our social media links and we will try to reply as soon as we are able. Please Read On Below for More News. Hope to see you back here again soon.

abyhnho music news

20 June 2023

We're busy recording new music and aiming to release a full album in the not too distant future. We will let you know of specific release details and dates as soon as we can. Along the way we may release some samplers and demo's just to whet the appetite. So be sure to follow us here and on social media for all the latest updates. In the mean time, check out song samples and demos via our Home page.